

A dying boyA rebellious girlHistory poised to repeat itself Left for dead at the side of the road in an outlawed town, Nicholas is rescued by a human girl. Plagued by fevered dreams and a lethal illness, Nicholas doesn’t know what to make of her kindness. If she knew...

The Impossible Last Request

The Impossible Last Request

The Impossible Last Request On the fifth anniversary of her brother’s death, Sarah uncovers his impossible last request – a challenge to defy all odds… Sarah Hopkins thought she had her life under control. It took five years to figure it all out, but the night she...

Vice Ride

Vice Ride

Five Days with the Enemy Amber leaves a college scholarship when she discovers her father keeping secrets. But, instead of facing long-standing family issues, she rolls the dice on Josh and agrees to help her ex- with a crazy scheme. Josh has five days to “keep his...

Sloan – Sloan Book One

Sloan – Sloan Book One

What do an illicit deal an ex-wife a gala for the rich and an assassin lover all have in common? Usually not much, but Sloan will weave magic from it all. The once-idyllic resort town of Riders Bay is no match for a walking tempest. When a beautiful grifter arrives...

Final Year

Final Year

Graduation can be killer… Beth pushes beyond her comfort zone to prove a sociology thesis. She turns a chance meeting with a known player into a personal experiment on first impressions. Weaving herself into casual meetings with the guy reinforces her assumptions…...