Meet Kelly Simmerman, a passionate bookworm turned prolific writer, whose literary journey began in a quaint independent bookstore in Santa Fe, NM. Kelly’s love for reading evolved into a flourishing writing career, marked by over 100 articles in various...
RONALD SCHULZ was born in the nineteen-fifties in Chicago. He dropped out to explore the Sixties radical counterculture before hitchhiking across Europe and Africa on a roundabout Buddhist pilgrimage to Nepal. Now a semi-retired hobo, and a new author writing his...
Thomas Cannon was raised on a small dairy farm near Spencer, Wisconsin. While drawn to the honest work of farming, he followed a passion for writing and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point. In August...
Michael Saad was born in Michel, British Columbia and grew up in Sparwood, B.C. He is currently a teacher at Coalhurst High School in Coalhurst, Alberta. He is the author of several short stories and historical articles. His writing has appeared in numerous magazines...
Emilio Iasiello is the author of the short story collection Why People Do What They Do, and a nonfiction book, Chasing the Green. He has published poetry in several university and literary journals and written the screenplays for several independent feature films and...
KEVIN DEL PRINCIPE is a writer and film director. I Animal, via Tumbleweed Books, is Del Principe’s first novel. The son of a snowplow truck driver and a school nurse, Kevin grew up outside of Buffalo, New York. Later, he worked in Los Angeles and taught...