A few crazy nights of bar hopping
The ashes of a long lost friend
And Mike still has to go to work the next day!
Legal clerk Mike comes to a realization that his life of sex, drugs, and rock n roll are coming to an end. His job is just a paycheck, and the endless nights of shots and sex must end. It all comes to a head when a long lost friend’s ashes turn up on his doorstep, along with the unfinished manuscript they were working on together.
With one last kick at the can, Mike takes his friend out on the town for one last run at binge drinking and bar hopping. Along the way, he gains self-realization. And with the end of the self-discovery journey, he decides to take that dangerous step into the unknown. His future is not yet written. And he wants to change the narrative.
One crazy night after another brings Mike full circle. And everywhere he looks, there is a girl behind the glass smiling at him.
Written by Emilio Iasiello
Published by Tumbleweed Books