In the world of storytelling, the use of a “ticking clock” can add a sense of urgency and keep readers engaged. However, short timelines can also lead to illogical subplots. For example, if a story involves the protagonist defeating an evil emperor within two hours and also features a romantic subplot, it can be challenging to make the latter seem plausible within the limited time frame.
Fiction has a tendency to manipulate time, and often readers can be misled into believing that enough time has passed to explain any lapses in logic. However, not all readers may accept this, and they may dismiss the idea that a hero and a princess can fall deeply in love after only two hours.
To avoid this, you can either extend the timeline or tone down the illogical elements. Lengthening the timeline can help provide more time for subplot development, but it may also diminish the urgency created by the ticking clock. The alternative is to allow the relationship to develop in a more realistic manner, such as starting with a first step forward toward a possible relationship, instead of immediate declarations of love. Either way, your readers will always appreciate a logical approach to storytelling.